Memory Lane




These Kids went on to be the Thomas Jefferson High School Class of 1962.

Top Row - 1st person on lef Brenda ???, center in front of teacher Dickie Klein

Second Row from top - Susan Miller, 3rd from right is Frances Ann Cole, Marci Rosen second from right

Third row from top (second from bottom) - First person is Dickie Goldman

Bottom row—Starting just right of the middle is Sandy Gross, Unknown Girl, Dale Bagby, Steven Miller (Susan’s twin brother)

^Albert H. Hill Kindergarden Class, 1950^

They came from Albert H. Hill and William Fox

First Row has Sign

Brenda Snead Costic 2nd Row, 3rd Child

Ruth Roxanne Emmerich 3rd Row, 3rd Child

Brenda Jenkins Armstrong 4th Row, 2nd Child

and from Mary Munford.

Top Row - Girl, Alan Forman, Boy, Girl, Girl, Boy all unidentified

Forth row from Bottom - Boy, Boy, Dale Bagby, Boy, Boy, Girl, Boy, Boy, Boy

Third Row from Bottom - Lynne Vogel, Boy, Boy, Boy, Girl, Boy all unidentified

Second Row from Bottom - Girl, Unidentified Boy leaning torward, Unidentified Girl eyes closed, Mary Rosenfeld, Unidentified girl or boy, Unidentified boy 

Botton or First Row - Unidentified boy, Unidentified Scout, Marci Rosen, Unidentified Girl

and from

Patrick Henry Elementary School

Mrs. Edwards Class


Back Row: Eleanor McJilton, Carmen Gaunt, Anne Marie Sheffield, Linda Wooldridge, Ann Lewis, Mrs. Edwards, Billy Barker, Warren Redfern, John Adams, Warren Boyden, Carrington Cole, Sharon Gaunt, Nancy McCutcheon

Middle Row: Carol Powell, Sara Shelburne, Gail Slaughter, Winnie Woodson, Jeannette Ellis, Kathie Fife, Mary Dabney Wilson, Ginnie Peterson, Jay Holdren, Louise Scott

Front Row: Barry Wilhite, John Evans, Jimmy LaPrade, Fred Forberg, Joe Sorrow, Walter Paxton, Jimmy Enroughty, Eugene Rawlings, Billy Bryce


and from

Mary Munford Class of 1955?

February to February Class

Top Row Right - Bobby Boynton, Unknown, Gilbert Brown, Unknown, Jimmy Innis, Billy Shellburne, Alan Wallace
Second Row from top - Unknown, Judy Peoples, Ms. Scott (teacher), Alan Forman, Unknown, Mason?, Robert Wilson, Stephen Adamson
Third Row from top which starts in middle - John Desoto, Bobby Hutchinson, Lee Ellman, Dickie Goldman
Fourth Row from top (second from bottom) - Frances Ann Cole, Sue Ellen Arenstein, Unknown, Marcie Rosen, Judy Haddock, Mary Rosenfeld
Bottom Row - Unknown, Dale Bagby, Janet Burstein, Wendy Buckman, Sandy Gross, Judy ?, Linda Mitchell, Susan Miller

Mary Munford 5th Grade Class

and from Robert E. Lee Elementary

They came from Westhampton Junior High

Westhampton Junior High School January 1958 Class

February to February Class


Westhampton Junior High School Class of 1958

And from Binford Junior High School

Binford Junior High Basketball Cheerleaders



Binford Junior High Graduation Program




And from Albert H. Hill Junior High School.

Albert H. Hill Junior High School, Class of June 1959

Pictures of What Appears to be a Party in Someone

Pine Paneled Basement

Who Can you Spot?

Kathy Fife, Mary Nelson Payne, Russell Flammia, Clarance Sprenkle, Tina Peterson, Diane Lynn Cox, Susie Bowels

Jimmy Enroughty, Cathy Morton?

Looks like someone has Russell cornered and He's loving it.

Who is the Mystery Woman and What is that look on Russell's face?

I think we have the Answer?  A definite Fox!  Could it Be Winnie Woodson?

Tommy Levina

They were all Sweethearts to us.

Hi-Y II, Key Club and Hi-Y III Sweethearts

Dale Bagby Waters, Cile Reynolds Myers and Stephanie Birchhead Wingate

They performed Plays

and Opperettas

Connecticut Yankee

and Junior Stunt Night

Became Kings and Queens.

Homecoming - Miss Jeff

Dale Bagby Waters, Stephanie Birckhead Wingate and Sue Salemme Antonick


And loved to play games



Oh Yes!  They have been known to Sing & Dance


Chatham 3

Dick Goldman, Andy Bendheim and Dick Klein

TeeJay 1962 Cheerleaders



Linda Salsbury, Sue Salemme, Melvin Katz, Sherry Wolf, Jane Sydney Green

Ann Proctor and Susie Bowles


Our 30th Year Class Reunion Attendees

Our 40th Year Class Reunion Attendees

Jeane Ryerson Lowke and her husband Bob

Dancing at or 40th Class Reunion

Our 45th Year Class Reunion Attendees


Jane Sydney Green Meloy, Linda Salsbury Weinstein, Clarance Sprenkle, Cathy Morton Rose and John Rose at the 45th Class Reunion


Susan Hume (Atkinson) at our 45th Reunion


Your 45th Reunion Committee

Russell Flammia, Sidney Padow, Beverley Caldwell Trinkle,

Billy Collins, Mike Floyd, Sue Salemme Antonick, Ernie Bolling

and Jim Hales


Albert Hill/TeeJay Dinner Group

Standing - Evan Farmer, John McDaniel, Will Hazell, Cary Shade, Joe Tuck, Bob Caudle, and Jack Hellems

Sitting - Bill Collins, Melvin Katz, Clarence Sprenkle, John Boatright, Sidney Padow, Frank Louthan, and Russel Flammia

The End of an Era Bill’s Barbecue Closes

How many barbecues, fries, banana cream pies and plain water limeades did we consume after making the compulsory trip around the parking lot in second gear?


Memory Lane Tour at 50th Class Reunion


50th Class Reunion Photograph

at Willow Oaks Country Club