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10/26/23 03:00 PM #1151    

William Anderson

Russell-A great remembrance of an important event.  Thanks for sharing.

11/18/23 09:41 AM #1152    


Russell Flammia

     Hi floks, Sadly the Tee Jay football team lost to Armstrong in the second round of the playoffs 28-0. Nevertheless, the team finished with a record of 10-1, which ain't bad! 

     Recently several of you donated money to provide meals for the team before the games. Since their season is now over the Vikings Fund will use the remaiining donations for the girls and boys basketball teams. From time to time I'll post updates. Your generous donations are greatly appreciated by the teams, coaches, and the Tee Jay Vikings Fund. Supporting our alma mater is a blessing.

11/30/23 11:40 AM #1153    


Russell Flammia

     The band Good Shot Judy will be playing at the Mathews High School on Sunday Dec. 3 at 3pm. They're an 8 piece band with lots of good sounds including a female singer.  Based in the Williamsburg-Gloucester area, they play all over Virginia, Maryland, & DC.  They play with tucks on and once they start to play the Big Band sounds you fully expect to see Frank Sinatra appear on stage and start singing My Way!  The real surprise to me is I think the oldest member is about 40. Only $25 at the door, cash or check. Come and enjoy!

12/22/23 12:35 PM #1154    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

Greetings to All!  The Holiday Season has been so hectic, I forgot to post my Annual "Happy Chanukah Wish!"    I hope it was enjoyable for many of my classmates! 

Now Christmas is approaching soon, and I need to get this message out to everybody else, before that, too, has passed by!

Bobby's comment about "Time going by too fast" is so true!  This past year is almost over, and I am STILL trying to "catch up!"

I hope 2024 holds more promise than 2023 did!

02/02/24 08:44 AM #1155    


Russell Flammia

Just a reminder Jane Berkley's husband, Jim Barton, will have his memorial service Friday Feb. 2 at 2pm at the Woodland cemetary in Ashland Va. A reception will be held immediately after the service at the adjacent church. May you rest in peace JIm.

02/03/24 12:57 AM #1156    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

Thanks, Bobby! I just read your list again! It's SO TRUE!


02/08/24 09:12 PM #1157    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

As some of you may know, we inherited my 2 Aunties' Florida Condo in 2008, and Joel & I spent many happy days here during  the past 12 out of 15 Winters (minus 3 years of Covid Season & his long illness) enjoying    the beautiful & peaceful lifestyle of Florida, going to the beach 15 minutes away, & visiting the Art Museums in Del Ray, Boca Raton, plus Joel's Cousin Myra Roberts' Annual Art Exhibit at Ft. Myers Art Center.   I also have many Happy Memories of good times with my Aunties, who lived until age 92 in 2002 and almost 96 in 2007. They were two amazing women who served in the Women's Army Air Corps during World War II, later worked for the Justice Department & Veterans' Administration in Washington, D.C., then opened 3 stores for kidswear which earned them the National Brand Names Award,  and thrived until they moved to Florida in 1981. 

Due to rising costs of Homeowners' Dues, Homeowners' Insurance and Taxes, I am now heing forced to sell this wonderful "2nd Home" & to visit Florida ONLY for a short stay in  hotels during  my future years. Our 2 Daughters  & i have been cleaning out the Condo for the past  two weeks & will be putting it on the market    after we leave!

If you or anyone you know is interested in a Prime Location with Spacious Rooms, a beautiful Lake with Visiting Wildlife, nearby shopping, & jaunts to the Atlantic Ocean, please let me know!

I am closing out a few phases of my life, but plan to stick around for many others. The next "Big Event" for me on the East Coast will probably be the Next Reunion of Tee Jay's  Class of 1962, 









02/09/24 09:48 AM #1158    


Russell Flammia

       Hi Marilyn, I'm sorry to read that you're having to sell the condo in Fla. that your aunts had owned. It's just another case of the middle class being squeeezed out of a comfortable life style. I can bet you whomever is in control of the condos HOA is liviing a verey comfortable life style. On the other hand, I'm glad to hear that you and Joel had many happy days there.  What a blessing to have had it for several years.

     I'm happy to hear that you are planning to attend the next reunion. I'm looking forward to it as well.

02/17/24 10:46 AM #1159    

Mike Floyd

 Classmate Joe Tuck recently joined the board of this non-profit.  The organization's goal is “to make the world a safer place through programming that discourages bullying, discrimination, and anti-Semitism."  Programs are built around literary works centered on the Holocaust and include author presentations and curriculum projects.  The literary works are both nonfiction and young adult historical fiction, presented as books and a play, and are suitable for ages 12 through adult.

Joe thought that TJ Class of ’62 members might be influential in spreading the word through the community. We have a curriculum in place in the social studies department of Swift Creek Middle School in Chesterfield County. We are interested in installing this curriculum in other junior high schools. There is more detailed information online at Chutzpah and Courage.  If anyone would like more information, please contact JoeTuck (804) 513-2713 or email Joe by clicking on this link Joe's Email

Submitted by Mike Floyd for Joe Tuck



03/20/24 08:45 AM #1160    


Cathy Morton (Rose)

This past Saturday March 15 Pete Rose John Roses 85 year old brother died.  Pete went to TJ and lived in Richmond all his life. Pete was in the construction, landscaping, and topsoil business. Pete was the 3rd of the five Rose brothers. He is presided in death by sister Patricia Rose and David Rose who also graduated from TJ. His widow is Barbara Rose also graduated from TJ. He will be greatly missed in our family.

03/25/24 07:27 AM #1161    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

The News from Florida is that our Condo is going to be sold to a "Fllipper," who will paint the walls, replace  the carpeting, & change whatever the New Owners might like in order to make it saleable.

And Russell, we found out WHY the Homeowners' Association RAISED their fees!  While we were "Way Out Here in the Wild West," they added NEW tables and chairs for "A Poker Room" for the men, "A Bridge Room" for the women, "A Ballroom" for the Couples, and MORE "Sofas and Chairs" for "The Lobby and the Theatre" -- all in "The Clubhouse!"

Well, I don't play Bridge, & my Husband isn't here anymore to play Poker with the guys, & the Old Sofas &     Chairs in the Theatre and the Lobby were JUST FINE as they were!

All the Residents we talked to were unhappy with that situation, too!

The only thing that interested me in the Clubhouse were the Art Room & the Crafts Room, and they looked    pretty much the same as before!

So, I will save myself LOTS OF MONEY by NOT "Getting Stuck with a Quarterly Fee," for New Furniture I might NOT even use, & Activities I might not enjoy!  We only attended a few of the Monthly Concerts & usually, when there is Intermission, people would STAND in the Lobby to talk to each other, or some       would remain in the Theatre seats!  The New Residents of the Complex are about 10-20 years YOUNGER than I am, & they are VERY ACTIVE, so I'm sure they will be moving around more than I & NOT "Sitting on Sofas in the Lobby!"

Plus, the Roof of the Clubhouse needs Repair, so I will avoid that Additional Fee!

WARNING to anybody who lives in a Retirement Community: DON'T GET STUCK with Homeowner's Fees! "Get OUT while the Gettin' is Good!"

We saved a few Antiques my Aunties owned, & moved them back to Arizona on a Moving Van + with the help of UPS!

So now, I have some New Furniture here in Arizona for Storage of my China and Glass Items, & a new/old     Desk from many years ago, with a Wide Top for Drawing & Painting, & that's ALL very welcome here!

Lesson Learned:  Sometimes Property left to you in a Will is more expensive to keep than you imagined !


(Back to Cleaning out my Closets!)

03/26/24 05:18 PM #1162    


Carlin Hudgins (Hanzas)

Marilyn,  sounds like you had your hands full. Glad you sold your place and will save on all those extra HOA fees!  Hope you are well! Can't believe how the years have gone by so fast!!  We all are turning 80 this year!! 

Carlin (Cokey) Hanzas

03/26/24 10:13 PM #1163    


Belle Landrum

Hi. everyone.  I am still in richmond but have moved to the assisted litypingving home in Ginter Park.  After my stroke the summer of 2022, i had to sellmy home.hard to do since i had planned to live out my lfe there. packing a two story house into one small room was not easy.  giving up long0held items ws even harder.  I hope to catch up on your lives and activities.  I have resorted to two-finger typing to get yhis to you - my laptop seems to erase everything.  this is my 6th attempt!  please forgive my typos.  Belle L.

03/26/24 10:57 PM #1164    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

Oh, Belle!  I have thought about you so long &                                

wondered how you were doing!

Are you feeling okay now?

I know exactly how you feel about "Giving Away

Long-Cherished Items!"

I hope you at least saved some of those items for

family members!

Is your phpne number still the same?

I will try to call you, if so!

It's 3 hours difference here, however!




03/27/24 08:36 AM #1165    


Anne Ferrell Smith (Lanier)

Oh Belle so sorry you have had to move out of your house -  I remember it well and playing there when we were young!   I was always so envious of your living so close to Westhampton!!  

I am glad you are at a place where you have some assistance.  A stroke can really take away your independence.   I wish I lived closer so I could visit you.   

I do not get to Richmond anymore .  We live in southeastern North Carolina and driving that far is really too much for both me and my husband.   I hope the people caring for you are kind and thoughtful.  You deserve that!  I send my love   Anne Ferrell 




03/27/24 10:59 AM #1166    


Russell Flammia

Hi Marilyn,

                 I'm glad you have sold the condo with all those extra fees. The HOA really have the residents over a barrel. I would not be surprised if the work, maintenance,  and or improvements are done by a business owned by the developers of the condos. They are in a postion to feather their own nest, and don't have any reservations about doing it. But that's all in your past now so enjoy those items from your family members that you were able to hang on to. Hopefully your daughter will cherish them as much as you do.

         Thanks for the update and I hope you are doing well. Give my best to your daughter and grandaughter. I still have fond memories of meeting up with you and your other family members for sushi. It was a wonderful evening.



03/27/24 11:26 AM #1167    


Russell Flammia

Hi Belle,

            its good to hear from you. I know moving was not easy for you, but you've got that behind you now. I think Annn Ferrell said it best. Don't worry about the 2 finger typing, I'm using ten fingers and I'm still challenged sometimes.  Please don't tell my TJ  typing teacher, Mrs. Hudson, room 223. Stay in touch and have a good day.

04/22/24 08:10 PM #1168    


Linda Fiske (Wehrle)

Belle , 

Hope all is settling in in your new environment and that you continue to make new friends . Take care and hope you are feeling better. 

04/23/24 09:04 AM #1169    


Russell Flammia

         Hi folks, on Wednesday May 1, at 5:00, TeeJay alumni will be honored at the TeeJay v. Huguenot baseball game.  The game will be played on TeeJay's home field. Alumni will be recognized at 5:00 before the game begins. The game is scheduled to begin at 5:30. Please note that due to the generous donations of alumni to the Tee Jay Vikings Fund the following improvements have been made to the field: 1. a scoreboard,   2. a new pitchers mound   3. a new batting cage net 4.  repairs to the dugout benches and backstop. Additionally the TJVF has provided over 600 box lunches from Mr. Submarine for the football, basketball, softball, and baseball teams when they have away games. 
       Renew old friendships, wear something red, bring a lawn chair, and enjoy the game.  A supportive fan base is so important to our young people. Although it's not necessary, let me know if you plan on attending. Please forward this message to other alumni or to your class website. If the weather is questionalble TJ's phone no. is 804-780-6028. Thank you for your support    GO VIKINGS!
                                                                                   Russell Flammia                    
                                                                                   TJ Class of '62
                                                                                   TJ teacher 1966-2000
                                                                                   TJ tutor 2001-2019
                                                                                   TJVF Board Member

04/24/24 09:05 AM #1170    


Russell Flammia

Happy Birthday Cornelia! I still remember of days in Mrs. Rogers' homeroom at Albert Hill. I hope you have a wonderful day. 

05/12/24 12:08 PM #1171    


Russell Flammia

     Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies in our class! Sometimes the messages take a day to get posted so I hope all of you had a wonderful day. Bless you all!

05/25/24 01:32 AM #1172    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

Re. the latest post on the Home Page, Jewish people don't leave coins on Tombstones! We leave Rocks!




06/06/24 12:07 PM #1173    


Russell Flammia

On the 70th Anniversary of D-Day – Virginia Tech Special Collections and University Archives (

Today 6/6/24 is the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. Jimmie Monteith graduated from TeeJay in 1938 and then went to Va. Tech. He saw combat in N. Africa, Italy, and Normandy. He was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for his bravery on D-Day. Of the millions of Americans who served in WW II only 472  received the Medal of Honor. There are numberous buildings named in his honor. Just Google Jimmie Monteith. There is also a street named after him, Monteith Blvd. which connects to Huguenot Rd. near the Stoney Pt. shopping center.   After you click on the link, click again on the tombstone. If is impressive.    Freedom isn't Free.

06/07/24 01:19 PM #1174    


Melvin Katz

My dear friend Russell: You are always so very thoughtful in your posts. This is no exception. All of us should take pause knowing that those before us provided, in this victory, the wonderful freedoms we have today. ALL OF OUR CLASS was born at a time of war. Now we in America, even with our disagreements, are able to enjoy the peace forged by those who fought that we might have what we have today. G-D BLESS AMERICA ALWAYS

07/26/24 09:37 AM #1175    


Russell Flammia

Dear Classmates,


Last school year, because of the generosity of our donors, the Vikings Fund provided 725 meals to students participating in extracurricular activities at a cost of $4,854. Due to the interest from staff and coaches, our goal is to double the number of meals we provide in 2024-25.


The Vikings Meal Program is a pillar of the Vikings Fund’s mission to support Thomas Jefferson High School and its students. The number of meals provided by the program has increased significantly over the last two years as the program’s visibility has increased. These meals make a significant impact due to student need, logistical challenges, and financial constraints.


You are invited to help in our effort by sending a donation to the Tee Jay Vikings Fund, PO Box 11451, Richmond, VA 23230 or you can donate at All donations received by the Vikings Fund through August 31, 2024, will be utilized for the Vikings Meal Program unless otherwise requested by the donor. The Vikings Fund is a 501(c)(3) so all donations are tax deductible. You are also invited to honor or dedicate your donation to this effort by sending us a note using the Contact TJVF feature of our webpage.


Please forward this to potential supporters, alumni, friends, and others. Thank you.



Your Tee Jay Vikings Fund Board Member, Russell Flammia

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