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12/01/22 02:49 AM #1103    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

Bobby Bayliss, I never knew you were a Poet!

Your poem is adorable!

And I also have great memories of my childhood in Richmond!

12/01/22 09:46 AM #1104    


Anne Ferrell Smith (Lanier)

Oh Bobby!  The poem is wonderful!  it just warms my heart!  You have such a gift - thanks for sharing it with us like this!   Anne Ferrell 

12/01/22 02:12 PM #1105    


Carolyn (Kay) Grinnan (Drinard)

Bobby, what a wonderful adaptation!
Brought back such great memories!
Didn't realize you are such a poet! 
Thank you for sharing this! 
Dan and Kay Grinnan












12/01/22 06:19 PM #1106    

Mike Floyd

Bobby, thanks for permitting me to post your poetic work.  As I told you when I first read it, it is truly special as you are special.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for your friendship over the last 60+ years.

12/08/22 05:14 PM #1107    

Judy Marmion (Gw '62) (Jones)

Thanks, Mike, for posting Bobby's poetic work. It is terrific and very well said. 

12/14/22 07:11 PM #1108    


Carlin Hudgins (Hanzas)


Even here in Georgia, our Newspaper carried the sad photo of the A.P. Hill monument being taken down. He was buried on the bottom of the statue. His body will be moved to a cemetery in Culpepper where he was from. The City of Richmond paid $1,000 to the Culpepper cemetery. The current family members were not happy! I can't believe what has been done to our beautiful Momument Avenue. What a terrible shame!!

Carlin Hudgins Hanzas

12/21/22 02:40 AM #1109    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

Sorry this is so late!  I hope all my Jewish Friends from "The Good Old Days"  at Tee Jay are having a Happy Chanukah!  Last night was the Fifth Night!  

Christmas will arrive soon!  So the rest of my Wishes go for a Pleasant Holiday for everybody else!





02/12/23 11:14 PM #1110    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

Our Daughter Rachael, our Granddaughter Sammy, & I spent an extended weekend in Puerto Vallarta in early January!  It is a beautiful place to visit!  I have photos to send to Mike & he can share them!

02/13/23 03:54 PM #1111    

Mike Floyd

This message is being posted for Kathie Fife Katharine Fife Romero.

Mike, and friends, you have been so kind and dedicated to send me all news about our special school companions at Thomas Jefferson and George Wythe. I miss the yearly reunions because in October, I do not get to the US, but you are so kind to advise and to keep me up to date. Diane Cox Basheer brought me up to date on this past fall´s reunion, which she and Page enjoyed. Diane also mentioned enjoying seeing you in the Middlesex area. Enjoy Urbanna, which I love. Spent a lot of summer time there. My dad always kept a boat there, just over the bridge, "Hurley"´s. I still get to Richmond, enjoy a home there -Hathawathy Tower (804 560-9708). I could not sever roots with Richmond. Above all my adult children love RIC. They schooled a year at St Bridget´s and St. Christerpher´s. What can I say? Thank you and take care, enjoy Urbanna, which I love and miss, and thank you for all your dedication to our school companions and news, Kathie

04/24/23 07:00 PM #1112    

Mike Floyd

I'm posting the below message and link for Dick Laster.  Fun to watch and fun to remember back in the day.

Long but lots of fun! Beatles ruled the 60s followed by Elvis and many one-hit wonders.


04/25/23 12:29 PM #1113    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

I want to thank all of my Classmates who reached out with their heartfelt condolences on the loss of my Dear Husband, Joel.  It has been a pretty shaky month but we are doing ok now, and Joel is At Peace, at last.         We are all still in shock, but with the help of our two Daughters, my Granddaughter, and  good friends like ALL of you, we take one step forward each day. 

Joel LOVED attending ALL of the Tee Jay 1962 Reunions, and he always told me & our kids that he thought all my Classmates were ""Really Nice People!"  Thank you for helping him feel so much "at home."  




04/26/23 11:25 AM #1114    


Melvin Katz


I echo my friend Russell's comments. Surely your loss is felt by all within our class who came to know Joel. I have such fond memories at our reunions in which I was able to converse with Joel. Thinking of you at this very difficult time in your life.


04/26/23 04:19 PM #1115    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

Thanks so much, Russell & Melvin.  It helps to know that

you both had the chance to get to know Joel! 

05/04/23 05:01 PM #1116    

Mike Floyd

Many of us that attended the Class Luncheon at Padow's in March and saw Dan and Kay Grinnan know that Dan was to undergo back surgery.  I'm glad to report that the surgery and recovery are going well.  I ask Kay how Dan was doing and this is her report.  

I’m happy to report that Dan’s surgery went really well.  He’s beginning the third week of recovery.  He’s able to walk short distances indoors and outdoors with a walker.  PT and OT come twice a week to work on strength, endurance, and posture.  We’re hoping to make it to the river in June. 

Hope all is well your way and hope to see you soon.

05/05/23 04:59 PM #1117    


Carolyn (Kay) Grinnan (Drinard)

Thank you Mike and Russell for your good wishes!
Dan's s surgeon was Dr. Brian Cameron at VCU. 
Highly recommend him. 馃槉                



05/06/23 10:52 AM #1118    


Melvin Katz

Kay and Dan: Let me add my best wishes to you both in Dan's recovery. In today's day and time is so impressive what can be done regarding the surgery and other advancements in medicine. Continued improvement Dan. We are all pulling for you to have the recovery that is well on ts way.

05/06/23 06:46 PM #1119    


Bob Bayliss

Kay, ask Dan if the surgery will continue to allow him to be TJ's all time best 3 point shooter!

05/07/23 01:14 AM #1120    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

Wow, Kay!  I'm so happy to hear that Dan is doing well!!

Best wishes for his continued Recuperation!


05/08/23 07:22 PM #1121    

Mike Floyd

Richard Laster

Professor of Environmental Law & Policy

Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Professor Laster taught a unique course this past semester. I am sure many of you would like to see what he does at the Hebrew University.  I know that I found it fascinating. Below is a link to a short promo of the course with English subtitles and a short description of the course.

Eilat is located in the Gulf of Aqaba, one of the most popular diving destinations in the world. The coral reefs along Eilat's coast remain relatively pristine and the area is recognized as one of the prime diving locations in the world. 

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem               讛讗讜谞讬讘专住讬讟讛 讛注讘专讬转 讘讬专讜砖诇讬诐             

Faculty of Law, Mt. Scopus                              讛驻拽讜诇讟讛 诇诪砖驻讟讬诐, 讛专 讛爪讜驻讬诐

Jerusalem 91905 Israel                                    讬专讜砖诇讬诐  91905                                   


From the Desk of Richard Laster*

Professor of Environmental Law & Policy                            March 2023

In 2021, I received an email from fourth-year Hebrew University law student Inbar Druyan. I did not know her, nor did I fully realize, at the time, what repercussions were to follow.

Inbar was enamored with Eilat and its environs, especially its coral reserve.  She asked me to teach a course on environmental law—in Eilat, on Eilat. Something that had never been done, and I wasn’t even sure how to go about it. But I never refuse a student initiative, although I knew this was an unusual and expensive proposition for the University.

Money was found and the Faculty of Law and the Inter-University Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat agreed to host the course. As I wracked my brain for ideas, I recalled my experiences working for Ralph Nader in the late 60s as a “raider,” investigating the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

In our first meeting with Ralph, he explained his “research interview” method. Every day, each “raider” interviewed two FTC employees; we typed up the interviews in eight copies, which were distributed among the team. By the end of three weeks, we knew more about the FTC than its employees. At the end of the summer, each “raider” wrote a chapter for a book, which was published as The Closed Enterprise System (ed. Mark Green). I decided to use the same approach in Eilat. I would convert the students into investigators, investigating Eilat’s claim to be a “green city.”

To do this we needed smart and motivated law students, so we marketed the course. Inbar was relentless. During the summer of 2022, she posted flyers and scheduled a lecture for me to introduce the course to students. There was room for only 19 students in the course. When 34 showed up for the lecture and 54 applied, I knew the chosen cohort would be willing to work hard.

This became evident as we held two full-day lectures before the semester even began. For the “official” opening, we invited the mayor to explain his vision for Eilat. That vision became the basis for the students’ investigations. They chose subjects of environmental concern, such as the legal regime protecting the corals, renewable energy, and Eilat’s planning and building code.

On December 5, 2022, we arrived in Eilat for five days. From 8 am-8 pm, we heard scientific lectures, met with experts on local environmental problems, interviewed the mayor and his staff, and met with some of Eilat’s polluting companies. The site visits solidified the students’ impressions, the lectures helped them better understand scientific data, and free time provided camaraderie and opportunities to exchange data or just loosen up.

On the fourth and fifth days, the students delivered their oral presentations and three weeks later, their written reports. These will be produced as a book and presented to the mayor. The students had fully grasped the challenges while developing tools to improve the city’s environment. I felt an immense sense of pride, seeing their transformation into Israeli “raiders” and know these skills will serve them in their future careers.

The Eilat course is one more step towards establishing a Sustainability and Environmental Justice Clinical Legal Education Center, similar to the existing clinics through which law students advocate for marginalized populations, youth at risk, diversity, and more.

My life’s mission has been creating, teaching, and advocating for environmental law, and I’m thankful and proud to be passing on the torch to Hebrew University students, even if it requires a five-day detour to Eilat.

05/08/23 10:54 PM #1122    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)

Wow, Dickie (or shall I call you "Reuven?") - So you were a "Nader Raider!" What a GREAT Lesson was THAT?   And now you are a Mentor for "The Next Generation!"  Congratulations on your newest achievement! You are  really making an impact in Israel!  Eilat will never be the same now!  It will have "A Support System" for many years in the future!

PS - I wish I knew the people you mentioned, working on the problem of "Youth-at-Risk!"  They have a program here now called "Youth at Hope!"  It was started by a Student at Arizona State University!




05/10/23 05:36 PM #1123    

Mike Floyd

Fun luncheon at Padow's today.  Good to see Sidney without the collar and nice seeing Robin Adair and Robert Wilson.  Would like to see them more often.  We enjoyed each other's company so much I don't think anyone took photographs.  Mary Douglas Stanley dropped by and she looks great.  Charles Krumbein stopped in to pick up lunch for his wife.  Russell still isn't willing to age like the rest of us and Melvin is finally in his new home.  No more driving back and forth from Nags Head.  Everyone asked about Dan Grinnan's back surgery and were happy that he is doing so well.

Good food, good friends, good times. 

Hope to see you all at the next get-together.


05/27/23 10:13 AM #1124    


Russell Flammia

One of my former soccer players I coached at TJ who is now a Captain in the Coast Guard shared a heart breaking story with me earlier this week. While on patrol in the fall of 2022 his vessel intercepted a 90 foot boat with 300+ persons onboard guarded by a group of armed human traffickers.  I'm not sure what happened to the 'passengers' but the Federal District Attorney declined to press human trafficking charges against the traffickers. I can only hope that the passengers are in a safer place, but have to wonder why the District Attorney did not place charges against the traffickers.    

                                      Memorial Day because Freedom Isn't Free


05/28/23 09:27 AM #1125    


Marilyn Wolfe (Ruben)


Russell, did your Former Student tell you the name of the Home Country of the passengers being smuggled?   If they were from a War-Torn Country, they might have been considered for Asylum.   Also, depending on the State in which the immigrants landed, each individual State might have different ways of "following" Federal Law.



05/28/23 02:38 PM #1126    


Russell Flammia

     Hi Marilyn,  the main issue was that these refegees were going to be essentially slaves once they got to the US. The refugees were from Cuba and Haiti.  The 'guards' were part of a human smuggling group whose other gang members would control them once they got to the US. 

05/29/23 10:55 AM #1127    

Mike Floyd

We are older than we think.  A few years ago Harriette and I rented a home in Highlands, North Carolina for Christmas with our daughter and son-in-law.  Highlands is in the mountains of North Carolina near the South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee borders and about 10 hours from our home in Urbanna, VA.  The home was in a gated community and on arriving we asked the gate guard for the key and directions to the house.  She explained that this was her first day on the job and would have to call her supervisor.  We both her speaking to her supervisor on the telephone “I have an elderly couple here”.  I told Harriette that is what a 10-hour drive will do to you.  Funny I don't feel elderly and I don't think Harriette and I look elderly, but apparently we have become elderly.

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